
Monday, 26 March 2018

Commands in CISCO ASA

Major commands in ciso ASA
show firewall and show version- To see the actual software version, operational mode, HA, etc and the system time:
sh failover state
 sh service-policy
 sh cpu usage
 sh memory
 show failover history
  show failover state
sh run all failover
 show traffic
  sh run ip address
  show interface
  show route
  clear crypto isakmp sa --Shut down a vpn tunnel manually.
clear ipsec sa peer
clear cry ikev1 sa --Only specific tunnel:
 sh cry isakmp sa
show vpn-sessiondb l2l

show crypto ipsec sa

reload quick noconfirm ----- for restart asa

copy tftp:flash: asdm-647.bin ---Installing ASADM using GN3

For enabling HTTP
ciscoasa(config)# sh run http
ciscoasa(config)# http ser
ciscoasa(config)# http server en
ciscoasa(config)# http server enable
ciscoasa(config)# http inside

comand to give ip in VPCS in gn3
PC1> ip /24
Checking for duplicate address...
PC1 : gateway

nameif outside
icmp permit any echo inside
icmp permit any echo-reply inside
show arp
arp -a

sh interface ip brief

copy startup-config running-config
write memory
show startup-config

Show IP nat transulation  --to see all nat happend in computer
Show un -- Will get all details including nat configuration

Switch configuration and commands

Hostname <host name>
no hostname
To set password for config mode
go to config t
enaable password <password here>

show run -- it will dispaly the password. So use secret for encrpted password
enable secret <password here> - it will encrypt the password and save
to delete password
no enable password
using "do" command will help to run all commands in any modes
use "do" before the command

For set password for console mode
Log into swich, go to console mode
set password here and type login
line console 0 password <password here>

Show start-up config  -- to see what are saved in NVARM
copy running-config startup-config

configuring vlan in switch
config#interface vlan1
ip address
no shutdown

need to set default gateway
config:# ip default-gateway <ips address>

Telnet log in
Config#line vty 0 4
no log in

To set password for vty log in
config #line vty 0 1
password cisco

setting banner
config#banner motd [
<message here>

show ip interface brief  - command to see all intyerface confiuirations
terminal monitor -  commmand will show detaails of the computer connected recently
config -if# switchport mode access - -- it will change the interface as access port
config-if# switchport port-security violation shutdown
config-if# switchport port-security mac address <enter mac addres of device>
config-if# switchport port-security mac address sticky --- it wil map the curret device mac address
config-if# do show mac address - it will dispay the mac adress of the device 

config# show port security int f/02 -- it will dispay the port security violations

Wednesday, 23 April 2014


In the right pane choose AutoReboot/Right Click/Modify. Change value to 0 to disable and 1 to enable.

RESET Internet connection

Open command prompt
type netsh press enter
type  winsock  press enter
type  reset 

Not able to open files with .exe extensions ( when you get message “Open With “while running any .exe files I.e. Lmi.exe, Registry).


Step 1: open the command Prompt

Step 2: Navigate to C:\ and type the Following command as given below.

C :\> assoc.exe=exefile
C :\> ftype exefile="%1" %*

After executing the command, Customer will be able to open any file with .exe extensions.

Scenario 2: If customer gets the “Open with” for .lnk file extensions. Use the below mention command for this

No Icons on Desktop & Windows Cannot Find Explorer.exe

1.      Boot the computer in Safe mode

2.      Backup Registry

3.      Delete the Following Key : HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version\Image File Execution Option\Explorer.exe

It would fix the issue, we tried this in 2 cases and it worked.

Steps to Fix FILE ASSOCIATION problems

1. Guide the customer to Safemode with CMD prompt (manual walkthrough)
2. It would locate in C:\Documet and Settings\User\Desktop\_ use cd\ to locate it to Root.
3. In Root (C:\) use cd<space>Windows and then Type regedit it will appear( C:\Windows\regedit.exe)
4. The registry window will open and navigate the customer to the following link
-START>RUN>REGEDIT : HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ exefile \ shell \ open \ command
-Double-click the (Default) value in the right pane
-Delete the current value data( you may have C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\spools.exe), and then type the following: (If you have the value suffixed to the spools.exe, eliminate that alone don't create the following value.)

"%1" %*
(ie., quote-percent-one-quote-space-percent-asterisk.)
Navigate to: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.exe
In the right-pane, set (default) to exefile
Exit the Registry Editor.
5. This may bring you back to root directory (C:\Windows>)
6. Locate to System32\Drivers ( cd<space>system32\drivers) which may appear like (C:\Windows\system32\Drivers>)
7. Delete the spools.exe (C:\Windows\system32\Drivers> del spools.exe)

Wallpaper issues, please try this steps

Click on Start, Run
2) Type REGEDIT and Press Enter
3) Click the plus signs(+) next to the following sections of the registry
4) Look for the WALLPAPER key on the right hand side
5) Right-click and Delete this entry
6) Close the Registry Editor
Now try to change the desktop background.